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Sog - Daniel Agi, Lisa Streich, Steffen Krebber, Thierry Tidrow, Francisco C. Goldschmidt, Lea LetzelSOG (German for pull or undertow) is a staged concert that deals with immersion, a phenomenon describing—for instance in the context of video games—the experience of complete submersion in a virtual environment. SOG approaches this phenomenon through mainly analogue means. SOG was conceived in collaboration with four composers whose music never fails to capture my imagination, both as a listener and as a player, with its focus on atmospheric density as well as well-considered details.
Lea Letzel’s staging provides a distinct environment for each piece. These environments are each created by the performer and in front of the audience, with the performer thus slowly l eading from one atmosphere to the next. An immersive space is developed, pulling the audience into a metaphorical vortex of sound, image, light, and narrative.

The music, that was composed for SOG, the promptbook, as well as the playalongs can be downloaded here.
The composers, the stage director, and I would like to be notified if the whole concert or parts of it are performed.

Download SOG Notenedition
Download tape for Steffen Krebber – RESPIRATOR
Lisa Streich – PRIMA video and click

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